Sunday, September 26, 2010

Post #4 Evaluate It

Please comment on this post after you have finished reading the book.  What did you think about it?
Respond to one or all of these evaluation questions.  Please react to the comments of your classmates.  Agree or disagree with them.
  1. What did you learn after reading this book?
  2. Which character was most memorable and why?
  3. Can you relate the story to your own life?
  4. Would you recommend this book to a friend? why or why not?
  5. How would you rate this book?

1 comment:

  1. Read this evaluation from

    Leo, the narrator is more caught up with Stargirl than anyone else. He befriends her and the two even date. But soon he can't stand the peer pressure and asks Stargirl to change.

    I have to admit that was really hard to read because I like the narrator but Stargirl shouldn't have to change! If it weren't for endless positivity some of the book would be too tough to get through.

    I really love the ending. I think it ended exactly the way it should. Not the best for everyone but the best for Stargirl. Perhaps everyone in the story learns their lesson about conforming individuals and I think the reader will too.
